Virginia Beach Hypnosis


Beach Hypnosis… Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health disorders. Nearly all people experience anxiety at times, such as prior to public speaking or taking an exam.

If you think you’re struggling with an Anxiety Disorder, you’re not alone. The statistics for anxiety disorders are staggering:
Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S.
Over 40 million American adults are afflicted by anxiety disorders
18% of the U.S. population is currently suffering from an Anxiety Disorder
40% of American adults have experienced an Anxiety Disorder at some point in their life

There are several different types of anxiety disorders. The most common anxiety disorders are:
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Panic Attacks
Social Anxiety Disorder
Separation Anxiety Disorder
Selective Mutism Disorder
Specific Phobias

These disorders take different forms, but share a common feature of excessive fear or anxiety. Fear is the emotion people feel in response to an immediate threat, whether real or imagined. Anxiety is the anticipation of future threat. Another common feature of anxiety disorders is avoidance behavior, such as excessive hand-washing to prevent contamination (active avoidance) or not leaving home for fear of having a panic attack (passive avoidance).

Anxiety disorders or anxiety-like symptoms can also be caused by substance use or withdrawal, prescribed medications, or the physical effects of a medical condition.

Anxiety is a normal, expected, and common experience in life. As human beings, we worry about keeping ourselves and our loved ones safe, and anxiety is an important evolutionary tool to ensure our survival. But in the era of constant news and information about potential threats to our safety, it can be hard to determine what is reasonable to worry about – and when your level of anxiety becomes problematic.

Anxiety can also become a problem. Many people worry about the future by catastrophizing, or assuming the very worst will happen. We think that if we assume the worst, we will be prepared for whatever happens. We also predict that we will be relieved if what happens isn’t the worst possible outcome we’ve imagined.

The psychological experience of anxiety is often accompanied by physical symptoms, such as an elevated heart rate, more rapid, shallow breathing, muscle tension, disrupted sleep, and gastrointestinal distress. Chronic anxiety can create a vicious cycle in which we are constantly on edge. When we feel constantly on edge, we often end up worrying more. And when we worry excessively and feel physically unwell, we are less able to cope effectively with stress. That’s where a lot of us get stuck.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD is a psychiatric disorder characterized by a constant sense of worry and fear that interferes with daily life. People with Generalized Anxiety Disorder may experience feelings of dread, distress, or agitation for no discernible reason – psychiatrists refer to this unexplained, trigger-less anxiety as “free floating anxiety.” Though many people with GAD realize that their worry is unrealistic or unwarranted, feelings of anxiety persist and seem unmanageable, leaving sufferers feeling out of control.

Separation Anxiety Disorder describes an individual’s feelings of persistent and excessive anxiety related to current or oncoming separation from an attachment figure (someone or something that provides the individual with comfort). Separation Disorder frequently occurs in children, and can induce long-lasting, continuous anxiety for periods up to six weeks. Individuals afflicted by separation anxiety disorder experience overwhelming distress and anxiety when separated from their attachment figure.

Social Anxiety Disorder or SAD, also known as Social Phobia, is characterized by a strong and persistent fear of social or performance situations in which humiliation or embarrassment may occur. Social anxiety involves overwhelming worry and self-consciousness about everyday social situations. The worry often centers on a fear of being judged by others, or behaving in a way that might cause embarrassment or lead to ridicule. SAD often prevents people from having normal friendships, interactions, or romantic relationships, and can keep sufferers from functioning in daily life, at work, or at school. Additionally, people with SAD sometimes experience intense worry, fear, or dread about a social situation days or weeks in advance.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or OCD1 is characterized by intrusive obsessive thoughts that result in compulsive ritualistic behaviors and routines. While it’s possible to have only obsessive symptoms, or only compulsive symptoms, they usually occur in conjunction. People suffering from OCD experience uncontrollable, distressing thoughts or fears about certain things (such as dirt, germs, or order) which then lead to compulsive behaviors performed as an attempt to alleviate worry or anxiety. Just being a “neat freak” or afraid of germs doesn’t necessarily constitute OCD – OCD is diagnosed by obsessions and compulsions which significantly interfere with daily life.

Hypnotherapy can help you reduce your anxiety by helping you relax!

Call me @ (757) 577 – 2002

Interested in learning more about Hypnotherapy? Check out the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association.