Beach Hypnosis

The hypnotherapist you can trust!
“2020 Virginia Beach Best Hypnotherapist Award” winner.

Beach Hypnosis…
Beach Hypnosis is committed to helping people and animals in need. We make donations to various charities on a regular basis.
Every time we get a new client, we make a donation.
We are also proud to be a voice for abused animals. We volunteer at various animal shelters including the SPCA.
Every time we get a new client, we make donations to charities all over the world.
We also volunteer for the homeless shelters, suicide hotlines, beach and bay clean up and ACCESS AIDS CARE fundraising, helping HIV infected familiesandchildren.
We get great pleasure in helping people achieve their goals and live a happier and healthier life. We love coaching people to lose weight, quit smoking, and rid themselves of unwanted habits. It gives us great satisfaction to see people become happier, build their confidence, and succeed in their business and personal life. Our greatest joys are making a difference in people’s lives and helping animals.
Be the reason that someone smiles today… It’s not that hard…
If you have the power to make someone happy today, do it. The world needs more of that…
“What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.” – Albert Pike
“Unless we think of others and do something for them, we miss one of the greatest sources of happiness.” Ray Lyman Wilbur
The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the greatest intention – Oscar Wilde
Nothing brings me more happiness than trying to help the most vulnerable people in society. It is a goal and an essential part of my life – a kind of destiny. Whoever is in distress can call on me. I will come running wherever they are! Princess Diana
HUMANITY… “In 2008, a 23-year-old journalism student, Sayed Pervez Kambaksh, was sentenced to death by an Islamic court in Afghanistan. His crime was downloading a report on women’s rights from the Internet and passing this report around to his friends. We got involved for the fight for Sayed’s freedom by starting a petition in the United States to set him free. After collecting thousands of signatures and contacting the officials in Afghanistan his life was spared.
In 2009, We helped a wrongly convicted young woman for killing her husband in self defense. She was sentenced for life and served 11 years as a result of poor defense. We helped raise awareness by starting a petition resulting in her being freed.”

In the above photos, we are giving a speech to Old Dominion University Psychology students. We are often invited to give speeches in Universities about hypnotherapy. Based on our great reputation and success record, Medical Doctors, Dentists and Psychologists often refer their patients to us. |
Founder and the Owner of Virginia Beach Hypnosis
Licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia in Hypnotherapy
Certified Hypnotherapist by the Genesis School of Hypnosis
Dale Carnegie and the Joe Verde Management and Leadership Certified
Masters degree in Business Management from SUNY Plattsburgh
Business Consultant Specializing in Personnel Development,
Problem Solving, Leadership, and Self-Improvement
District Manager for large national retail companies
General Operations Manager for large corporations
Published Author (non-fiction)
Interested in learning more about Hypnotherapy? Check out the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association.