Beach Hypnosis…
No! When hypnosis is used on stage for entertainment purposes, it may appear as the people on stage are being controlled, but the reality is that they are just very relaxed and aware of exactly what they are doing.
Nothing happens without your consent. Your subconscious mind will not accept a suggestion that is not safe for you, or that you don’t want. If you feel uncomfortable at any time during the session you would either reject the suggestion or come out of the hypnotic state by simply opening your eyes.
You will not tell any secrets
You will not say anything private
You will not bark like a dog or cluck like a chicken
You will not do anything that you do not think is acceptable
You cannot be hypnotized to do something you don’t want to do
You cannot be influenced to do anything against your will or nature
You cannot be hypnotized to do something against your morals or ethics
You cannot be made to violate your own values or accepted patterns of behavior
You cannot be made to do anything in hypnosis that you wouldn’t do in a regular state of awareness
You will be aware of what’s happening
You will be in control all the time
You do not go ‘out’ or ‘under’
You are not unconscious
You will be in an alternative state of consciousness with a very narrow focus of attention. Hypnosis is a peaceful state of stillness. You will hear everything that is being said. Most people remember everything the therapist says during the session.
Hypnosis is simply responding to suggestion, and no one can hypnotize you to do something you don’t want to do.
Remember, that you cannot be hypnotized against your will, it works only if you agree to let it happen. Nothing happens without your consent!